
[This section deals with the first basic element of successful punting - the selection of the "Investments".] This is at the heart of successful Punting. Successful Selection Methods need three basic ingredients: The problem with the first answer - subscribing to a Selection Service - is the same problem as buying a "Good" "System" those rare systems for sale that do make good profits, suffer from steadily reducing average dividends, as more and more punters get on the same bandwagon, until finally a system that had a 30% strike rate and $4.00 average dividend for a 20% profit, ends up with a 30% strike rate and a $3.00 average dividend for a 10% loss.

I believe the secret to success lies in one of the other two alternatives - using Form Analysis Techniques to develop your own unique successful system, then, being your own unique and personal system, you are the only one on that particular bandwagon, and so the average dividend tends to stay the same and the profits continue. However, another factor is inevitable ‘change’. Circumstances do not remain static, training methods change, breeding changes, tracks change, etc etc, you must monitor change, how to identify favorable and unfavorable trends and how to turn natural evolution to your own advantage.

I am now, therefore, considering writing a book to take you, the would-be Professional Punter, step by step through the process of building your own successful system, using as an illustration a system that has enjoyed 35%+ strike rate with $3.00+ average dividends for a number of years. But this is not all! a good system also needs:

In other words successful, or Profitable Punting is not achieved by a sound system alone.
To be Profitable - punting needs to be treated as a serious business enterprise, and that is what ‘Professional Punting’ is all about. This Web-site treats Punting as a serious business.