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Punting for Profit.

    I was intending to write a series of books on "Punting for Profit' the books have been put on the 'backburner', indefinitely.
      Profitable Punting is based on the following:

      ¨ 85% of T.A.B. turnover is returned to the successful punters.
      ¨ Only 10% of Punters operate in a truly Professional manner.
      ¨ Only 20% of Punters make regular profits.
      ¨ Those that make regular profits consist of:
      Þ 90% of the Punters with a Professional approach.
      Þ 10% of ‘non-professional’ punters.

      Another way to look at this is:
      85% of T.A.B. turnover is returned to the successful punters.
      If you make the effort to become one of the 10% of Professional Punters, you can expect to be at least 25% smarter than the ‘non-professional’.
      If you are 25% smarter than the ‘non-professional’ you can expect to turn the 15% loss of the average punter into the 10% average profit of the Professional Punter.


    This web-site is designed to explain to the reader how to achieve the sort of success that I have enjoyed.

    It is based on the idea of treating punting as a serious business, which one must do if one is to make consistent profits. It is also probable that in these days of tight markets and professionals one will find it unnnecessarily difficult to succeed without computer aids of one kind or another.

    I believe it would be very helpful but not essential to have a good understanding of statistics and probability theory, and the eventual inevitability of these rules and theories. A sound and real confidence is the only thing that gets most punters through the really tough losing sequences THAT WE ALL EXPERIENCE AT SOME TIME.

    There are THREE Major Factors in being a successful Professional Punter:

    1. A Method/Methods of Selection that has a strike rate / average dividend combination sufficient to make a profit, together with a volume of activity sufficient to make that profit meet the particular Punter's goals.

    This should be a method that shows a profit using "Flat Stake " Betting.
    Even though one of my contentions is that an optimal staking plan can turn a method that shows a 90% or better return into a marginal profit, a Professional Punter needs a selection
    method - staking plan combination that returns a POT (Profit on Turnover) of around 10%.

    I say Method/Methods, one of the rules of sound money management is not to put all the eggs in one basket. It is usually best to have 3 - 5 tottally different Methods operating simultaneously. At least three to spread the risk, and not usually more than 5 as it becomes too unwieldly and time consuming. It is extremely difficult to find 5 sound, profitable selection methods, let alone more.

    2.A Method of Investment - a staking plan, that ensures the Punter the maximum safe return on his Investment together with the minimum of Risk.

    3. Money Management - A subject with many aspects, but critical to truly treating Punting as a business.

    This subject will include such things as how to improve returns buy up to 10%.
    How to legally avoid taxation on your Punting Profits.
    How to overcome the psychological effects of losing streaks.
    How to plan your "cash-flow" so that a fixed amount can be taken out each week as "wages" without jeopardising your betting bank.

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Last modified: 2/1/99